Saturday, July 5, 2008

He thinks HIS tractor is SEXY....

My HUSBAND...he's such a stinker AND of course an incredible guy! Last weekend he borrowed our good friends tractor (so actually hubbin doesn't have a sexy tractor...but he borrows one). He used it to mow the field at our current home, a field that has been neglected for a few months now...YIKES...Anyhoo...when I went outside to check on him and see if he was doing well or if he needed any Gatorade(you know playing the role of dutiful wife...while hubbin is slaving in the HOT sun)!
AND...this is what I found.... Yea! That's my lovin' hubbin'...up to no good! See that grin on his face...smirky little devil...he thought he wouldn't get caught...b/c he was doing such a great deed and all and was a few yards away from the main house...he figured I would just ignore the fact that he had that NASTY cigar in his mouth. He didn't count on me taking pictures...and NOW posting about it...boy he's in big trouble if his mom sees this!!

Men!!...boys!!...and all their toys along with their mischievous behavior!! Well, at least the field looks great...he's such a sneak...and I love the heck out of him...cigar and all!! I let the cigars slide when they are outdoors (yea, like I have a say in THAT!)...but no-one smokes in my home and it's always been that way..but seriously we don't know very many smokers...isn't that strange?? In our new home...he has designed a porch off his study/trophy room that he can gather with the other cigar villains and sneak a smoke. Wonder what he would do if I did the same???
I'll cut him some slack here...he does this very rarely...and he does enjoy a good cigar with a good glass of wine...on occasion....and I'm ok with it (thank goodness he wasn't having that glass of wine while driving the tractor...OR maybe he was just hiding it!!LOL) long as he stays healthy and wears his sunscreen!! I think he does look pretty sexy on that tractor....cigar and all!! That STINKER!!

In this last picture...he almost looks like he is baiting me...blowing smoke and daring me to come out to the field and take his cigar away! Uh huh...that won't happen either...a.)I'm not that controlling b.) he had already smoked most of it and c.) I don't get near big tractors while they are mowing and slinging all sorts of things about (my dad taught me that)...and sweet hubbin' knows that...again, what a mischievous stinker!! GOTTA LOVE HIM and I do!


Sandi McBride said...

I can just see you with your hair in a pony tail and the picnic basket in hand running through the field towards him Kenny singing in the background, lol! You're a good wife "T"...I hope he knows what a treasure he has in you!

Terri Steffes said...

Great pictures! My husband, too, loves a good cigar with a glass of wine and good friends. He indulges on a fairly regular basis though. No smoking allowed indoors which is why I haven't said much through the years. I will say I liked it a lot better when he smoked a pipe!

Unknown said...

Your funny Teresa! I have a good friend who likes to smoke an occasional cigar also, she's a riot. She usually only has one with some wine though.

Julie said...

Too funny! Yep - my husband would love to get his hands on a huge tractor too. I might not ever see him again though if he gets one!

Tonja said...

Yeah, he does look as if he is taunting you! LOL.
My grandaddy used to smoke a cigar and I always liked the scent. But, noone ever smokes in our family or in our group of friends. Isn't that wonderful? Years ago, it seemed there was always someone smoking. Frankly, I never could stand the thought of pulling all that smoke down into my lungs! Yuck!
Tell hubby he looks cute...

Katy said...

Ahahahaha!!! too funny! My hubby would be so proud to see that tractor. According to my is the only acceptable color for a tractor!!! LOL