FINALLY...Mr. Blogger is letting me post AND include pictures!! You know how I dislike posting w/o some kind of's the story from my Valentines evening...I know somebody is filming all of this and one day we'll each be viewing it on some totally obscure television station!!
I was hoping to post all about these types of lovelies...

sadly this won't be the case...
Many of you know that my lovin' hubbin' has been traveling quite a bit as of late for we knew he would not be home for Valentines Day ( this was the first time we've been apart on this day in over 30 years)
so...when the cats away the mice will play....RIGHT...I decided to hook up with my sister and daughter-in-law for a fun evening out; to relax while having a pedicure, possibly do a little shopping and eating at some restaurant that didn't have lines around the block. It was a beautiful...evening...almost...spring like!! The girls and I had a lot of fun...a good meal and lots of talk and laughter...we deemed ourselves the Valentines Widows...b/c all of our men were either working or sick! Yes the evening was a winner thus far! I was really starting to enjoy myself and learned not to be so hung up on not having hubbin' home!!

The sad or FUNNY part as I'm sure the videograhers can attest to was when I was trying to bathe both the same time ALL BY MYSELF...yea...I was not doing the "happy dance"! I ran back into the house...slammed the door shut before the foulness could enter my home...and quickly gathered my "wash away the stink stash"...something I learned to stock up on from the last encounter...I quickly shed any decent clothing I may have had on...leapt into sweat pants/long sleeve tee and rubber boots...found the disposable rubber gloves...and headed outside with my stink arsenol...all in under 45 seconds...yes...I was flying!! I found the huge wash tub all the while still trying to pay attention in case the attacker was still lurking about (picture private eye crouching about while using the tub as a type of shield) Did I mention it was DARK out...and we live in the country!! I began filling the tub with water. tomato juice and vinegar...during which time I was trying to soothe Maggie and find Cookie...yes, she likes to skee-daddle if she thinks for one minute she may have to encounter bathing or anything representing something that might make her smell good! After dousing Maggie in Tomato Juice, vinegar and water...I attempted to place Cookie in the wash tub for her "Bloody Mary bath" minus the vodka...yea...I should have thought to use that for myself! While trying to hold on to Maggie at the end of her leash as she is writhing about during her "freak out" ( I couldn't risk letting her go b/c she could have been subjected to round 2 for all I knew)! Cookie of course did not want to stay in the tub...I just knew I had to at least get her started soaking or it would be another all-nighter. So, I was basically balancing on one foot trying to contain Maggie with the leash (washable of course) while I am semi-pushing on Cookie with my other galoshed foot to keep her in the tub! For anyone that knows me...well, this is a feat within itself...b/c I am not coordinated nor do I have great balance!! At this point I'm really needing to rinse Maggies face...b/c of the mass amounts of foam accumalating (think rabid dog)...and all that slinging of the "smell" she was throwing about! Now I'm trying to reach for the water hose that of course is just "out of my reach" stetching as far as I could I managed to wrangle the hose back to within grabbing distance! At the same time, I'm trying to keep my "calm" voice so as not to excite the poor things, not to mention I didn't want my closest neighbor who lives about 100 yards away to hear what I REALLY wanted to say!! Suffice it to say...Cookie did not stay in the bloody mary bath...hmmmm...maybe I should have added the vodka and Maggie was not happy about being subjected to multiple layers of culinary delights along with the cold water shower!! I managed to calm Maggie down long enough to call my truly great friend (yes I'm a good girl scout...always prepared, the phone was in my pocket) and ask if her daughter was home ( I asked for her b/c she doesn't mind these kinds of things...she loves animals of all kinds and is always helpful)'s VALENTINES...the girl is well OF COURSE she is out with her beau! Luckily my friend said she would be over in 5...whew! She was a tremendous life saver...truly!! (Now you know why it will be great when we move into our new house...she will be one 5 acre lot away from me) What a relief to know I wasn't going to be the only one soaking up all the Valentines love and the lovely aroma wafting in the night air! It's true...misery does LOVE company...and after all isn't that what Valentines is all about...THE LOVE!!

Today things are much better...Maggie will have to endure a couple more baths...but honestly the smell is gone from the house...mostly...just a tab bit of a smell, kind of like someone is getting a perm in the utility area of the house where the girls beds more bathing...washing the bedding AGAIN...mopping lots and lots...confinement to their sleeping area and we'll be good as new in a few days! I left the windows open all day until it got so cold I couldn't stand it...yea...spring-like yesterday...Cold, wet and rainy today! Good ole' Texas weather...
So tell did you spend your Valentines evening???...or do I really want to know???...YES...I went to bed...after lathering up and soaking in the tub for a very long time...singing and repeating..."happy valentines day to me!!" It's so good to be me!! lol

MY GOODNESS!! Teresa! I'm tired just from reading abut this experience, YUCK!!!! Well, atlease you have fun during your girls night out! Hopefully next year Valentine's day will a much more calm one :) xxoo, Dawn
Oh.My.Word! I guess you won't forget this Valentine's Day! Bless your heart.
I hope this weekend is much better for you.
Don't know why, but I felt like I've been there before.... knew exactly what you were going through! Too funny! So they don't learn with skunks, either? We have porcupine problems here with dogs getting sprayed in the face with their quills. But they don't learn....
Okay, I've taken my nap...I laughed myself into obliveon, but came out of it...poor poor be insulted by a skunk...I keep lots of tomato juice on hand for such (have to hide it from Mac, though...)but a good time was had by all right up to that point, right??? Teresa, you need a job as a standup comedienne!
What a wild story! So glad you got those doggies cleaned up & smelling better. You deserve a big night out for that one!
Well, at least the first part of your Valentines Day was nice. How awful is that smell??? I've never had a close encounter with one of those smelly creatures and hope never to have one. BTW, I love the photos of the skunk, too cute. Hope your pups are doing better.
Things happen! That was quite a story & I enjoyed reading it & got a little chuckle. I hope you get a good night out for all your hard work.
You poor thing...lucky your daughter came to help. What was your husband's reaction when you told him?
Hugs, DebraK
Well, that was Valentine's day that will stick with you...until you wash it in tomato juice.
But gosh. It made for a wonderful story right?? I laughed so hard just visualizing is not fun at the time though I know. Okay, I am sorry I laughed but you should not be so funny! You have such a way with a tale...and a tail...washed in tomato juice.
Give the fur babies a hug from me now that they smell so sweet!
Love and hugs,
I feel like that old song, it's me again Margaret! Just checking in
You are too funny!! I enjoy your blog because you are such a *great* story teller and you find the humor in unfortunate situations. You remind the rest of us how to live life with grace!
Blessings and smiles!
Well, the good news is that you have a new Valentines Day memory! You will certainly never forget this one...
The poor puppies! I'm sure it was every bit as hard on them as it was on you. Glad they have such a good and understanding mom - you know, we all get ourselves in a bit of a pickle sometimes!
Oh My...may your week only get better!
You are invited to a SURPRISE BLOGGY BIRTHDAY PARTY for kari this Wednesday, Feb 20.
She is turning 40!!!
I would love for you to stop by the party on Wednesday to surprise (hopefully!) the birthday girl, enjoy a bite of cake, sprinkle a little of your magic birthday dust, and check out the party favor giveaway!
OM Gosh - what a GREAT story!!!! Poop puppy though!
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