On this day 75 years ago...the first of two wonderful men in my life was born. Yes!!...my dad would have been 75 today!!! I so, could have seen him at 75...full of life, energy, love and laughter...but sadly he was taken from us all too early. A day that I will never forget...the day that when I think about it...causes me much grief and heartache...and will continue to do so...even though I know he is in a much better place... he is with my mom, my brothers and his family...but...some days...it hurts to know he is gone from my daily life...a time when time constraints aren't so menacing...a time for memories to be shared and laughs to be had...jokes to be told...domino games to be played...antique stores to be perused...a time to just be...but of course it can't be like that now...so because of my love for him and to honor him...I try to encourage others to remember the ones you love and let them know every day! Something my dad always remembered to do...and smile of course while he was telling you!! I'm going to share some favorite times, memories and pictures with you...so hope you enjoy...my tribute to my DAD!
Here he is in a picture with my lovely mom on their honeymoon...weren't they just the cutest couple. I used to always kid them about this picture...I kidded dad about his shirt because I NEVER saw my dad wear anything remotely like this while I was growing up...and my mom's skirt...I would tell her...no matter how long it was...she still had trouble with her slip showing! I love this picture of them!

Dad was the most Godly, honest, fun loving, handsome, kind hearted and gentle man I knew. He set the bar pretty high for me as far as men go...but I did find someone who more than measured up to my expectations, one that had the same character and family values as my dad...luckily! Dad ALWAYS had the warmest and most geniune smile...something that I always think of when I envision him today...his generous perfect smile!! In fact when I was a little girl... one that idolized her daddy...I asked him if he had "Chiclets" for teeth. I know I had and still have a goofy imagination...but I can remember a particular picture of him that mom had sitting on her dressing table. In that picture and in life he had the most perfectly straight and white teeth I had ever seen...so of course I thought they looked perfect just like Chiclets gum...thus the comparison!! And there wasn't anything I enjoyed more than some of that Chiclet gum...I was a girl who knew what she liked!! In this picture you will see him on his wedding day...they had just returned from getting married and about to head off to honeymoon for a few days before dad had to report back for duty in the Air Force...he was stationed in Biloxi Mississippi at the time...but came home for a weekend pass to Fort Worth Texas and married my sweet and beautiful mom!

A few years later when he and mom had my brother and then me...they moved to a small town south of were they were living so they could bring their children up in a smaller more peaceful and quaint little town...much like the community dad had grown up in! Actually, dad's parents were farmers...he grew up in a rural community with lots of brothers and one sister...so he wanted something similar for us!! Here is a picture of the 4 of us the day they signed the papers for their new lot in suburbia! Look at this cute little All-American family.

This is a picture that I love, too...it is on my wedding day. I laugh because honestly my dad was so much more nervous than I was...in fact I wasn't nervous at all

This has to be my favorite picture...now the quality of this picture and the skills of whoever took it are lacking...but the love, affection and pure joy I can see in it and the tears that flowed during and after it are what makes it the BEST.

I could go on for days upon days about this man and what he means to me and all his family...How I learned so many things about life, love and happiness from him...how he taught me to be generous with my time, love for others and my blessings. He taught me to stand firm in what I knew and believed in and not to be swayed by what others thought I should believe...he taught me about hard work and integrity, honesty and trust! He taught me that all living things are God's creations and not to take anything for granted. He taught me how to laugh at myself...to not sweat the small stuff and to always wear clean underwear...oh! no! Wait!!...that was my mom!! Anyhoo...I could go on and on about this glorious man...but I will save some things for another tribute to him...say on fathers day.....in the meantime...know...We miss our dad and paw-paw...we feel fortunate to have been able to have him in each of our lives...and he was one in a million!!! So Happy Birthday to the Greatest Dad...I could have ever dreamed of having!!
***I noticed something funny...as much as dad always smiled...I seemed to have found several pictures where he was doing anything but smiling his great big ole chiclet smile...just know when I find that picture mom had of him on her dressing table...I'm going to post it...so you all know what I mean***

What a beautiful, loving tribute to your Dad. It's such a joy to have a father like that. I know because my Dad is like that also. Loved this post and I'm sorry your Dad is not with you today.
Teresa! What a beautiful post about your sweet father!! He sounds like he was a wonderful man and I know you must miss him so...It's so good that you have such good memories of him!! I hope that you are doing good and your hubs too ~ I know you're a busy chick these days! xxoo, Dawn
What a nice post about your Dad...You have such nice memories..Glad you could share them...Toni
Teresa...I am sitting here sobbing now...for you, for me, for our losses but also because we were loved by such wonderful men. Your Father was a *Daddy* in every true sense of the word. How blessed you were, are, as a woman to have been raised by such a father.
I have seen the effect on women who do not receive that and it makes me even more happy when I see women who DID have this. I did and I know what a blessing it was.
Thank you for sharing this with us. I feel lucky to have done so.
I will keep your Dad in my thoughts and heart today...as well as you sweetie.
Love and hugs,
What a wonderful post and tribute to your dad! It was so touching... What a wonderful man. I'm sorry he's no longer with you, but as you said, what a blessing to have him as long as you did and for your daughter to spend 19 years with him!
Thanks for sharing,
What a sweet tribute to an obviously amazing Dad! I'm sitting here crying like a baby thinking about Rory's dad and how much we miss him and how sad we are that our girls won't have his awesome influence in their lives...he was a GREAT Poppy to them for the short time they got to have him! We are truly blessed to have such great Dads raise us and love us.
This is such a beautiful post, all the love you feel for your father is pouring out and spreading like an ocean. I loved reading this...just loved it...
Teresa, Just stopped by to check in and saw your post on your dad. Well, I am coming back this evening to really read it, slowly, with my glass of wine and box of tissue - it looks like a very special post. Wishing you well in the ongoing designing and building journey! Ann
Teresa, I'v been reading your blog for awhile now (via Kat) but not sure if I've ever commented. This was a very touching and wonderfully written tribute to your dad (and your whole family for that matter). Loved the photos. March 25th is also my daddy's birthday, and he would have been 85. He passed away almost 13 years ago. My parents were divorced when I was very young so he was not a big part of my life, but I love him dearly anyway and miss him. Take care.
Teresa that was such a beautifull post about your dad and a great tribute to him too. He sounds like a great man . That brought tears to my eyes as I could feel how much he meant to you. Lovely photos of your dad & mum together a very beautifull& handsome couple with you as a beautifull daughter inside & out XX Dominique
I wandered over from Kat's~ and i am glad I did.
Such a wonderful post about your dad. Wouldn't he be thrilled!
Teresa, that was a beautiful tribute. I enjoyed reading every word of it. Thank you for sharing your dad with us.
Teresa, this was the sweetest post. I loved hearing about your family and the love you have for them. Your dad and mom sound like they were lovely people. It brought smiles and tears to me...
p.s. no, i didn't make the red and yellow toile cushions for my chairs, I had someone do that for me....I can sew, straight lines, but cushion making is way beyond me :-).
Hi Teresa,
Found you through Penny's blog. What a loving tribute to your daddy. Daddies are special. My dad was the most wonderful man until Alzheimer's took control of him. Now he is no one I remember. It is sooo sad. I shall hold on to all the good memories. Please stop by sometime.
LeAnn :)
Hi Teresa,
What a lovely tribute to your Dad, he's smiling down that special smile on you sweets.
I found you through Hill Country Girl (gotta make it to Fredericksburg!).
Lovely, lovely post - can't wait for the Chicklet picture.
Happy Weekend,
My Petite Maison
Awwwww....so sweet. What a lucky, lucky girl you are to have been loved by such a special Daddy. This post was beautifully written and one I know would make him proud. I was a Daddy's girl too and I miss my Daddy very much.
Hugs sweet friend!
Teresa, I am just getting caught up on my blog reading. This is a beautiful post. What a tribute to your father. I can feel the love and admiration, the respect and awe, pouring through the words you write. How blessed you were to be raised by the kind of man you could judge other men by. He sounds so much like my own dad, and I know I have been blessed to have him with me for so long. Isn't it strange how looking at old photos can bring up a whole flood of memories. Not just of the photo itself, but of things happening before and after. Sometimes, you can almost still smell the sweet perfume of times gone by. Memories...oh how wonderful when they remind us of family ties that bind us still. Who we were, who we are and who we will be is all tied up in that. What a legacy your children and grandchildren have. It will color their lives all their days also, and be carried on to your grandchildren. One generation, teaching the next...and being lifted up and blessed by the past.
In the last few years, it has begun to bother me that my grandchildren wil not know their heritage...or that my children will forget some of the details. Both my parents are from different parts of the country from where we are now. So, I started a scrapbook of both of their families. I have been collecting pictures of where they grew up and pictures of them as children...where they went to church and school. I am carrying it up through my boys time with them as youngsters. I want my grandchildren to one day be able to look at it and maybe see something that looks familiar and know that it is their heritage. I want them to know of the little frame house my mom grew up in, and that my dad left home to join the Navy at 16. I have included pics of my granparents and their lives and where they are now buried. I trust that this will be a treasured keepsake in years to come.
Blessings, Tonja
This is a most wonderful, memorable tribute to your father...so many neat aspects, and wonderful attributes, we feel we almost knew him as well! Beautifully written!!
kari & kijsa
What a lovely post.
What an amazing post. thank you for sharing so many special stories about him!
What a great post!
I love those old pictures!
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