I don't normally take the time to comment on movies I've seen unless they have really touched me. I have had this on my "to watch" list for a while now and honestly forgot about watching it until my darling daughter called me today...to talk about it....she thought I had already seen it. Well, I have now...went and rented it tonight! I loved it...YES, it's quirky, its goofy at times...but it is a movie that really speaks about life....no matter who you are...it's about decisions...good and bad...about relationships...again good and bad...and well, it is just SAAAAWWWWEEET as the pies they make in it....so I am giving this a thumbs up for any of you that haven't seen it yet...go spend about $3.00 and I think you will enjoy a very sweet Indy film...that won't soon leave your heart or mind.
Now it may not be for all of you...but I love it because it is quirky, sad, funny, and all about Southern loyalty, craziness...and comfort from friends! Hey it's worth the money just to see Andy Griffith in it...what a true Southern Gentleman...he has a very sweet but ornery roll...one that has you loving him just as he should be!!...b/c as we all know...Andy could never REALLY be ornery!! Enjoy

I love Andy Griffith. If you want to know what a truely marvelous actor he is you need to see "Murder in Coweta County" with Johnny Cash. They are both so wonderful in it and Andy plays an evil evil man...I know,hard to believe! That's what I mean by wonderful actor.
can't wait to see Waitress!
Hi i saw this film and it was very good , I love all those pies she makes! and the way she says "pie" with the accent. I wish we had diners in the uk like those southern ones you have, I really want some peach pie! and I have heard you get a giant peice too!
take care x Dominique
We haven't seen this...how did we miss this one?...it looks right up our (movie) alley!! Will add it to the list- thanks for the recommendation!
kari & kijsa
I will have to watch it too...Thanks for stopping by my blog...sorry for the loss of your mother, my moms name was Theresa..
Hope all is well...Toni
I have wanted to see this , and have heard it was really good. You've given me a boost to go and get it. Thanks
I saw the movie...and LOVED it too...It was just the best. I recommend it too!!
I've not seen this Teresa but heard it was good and I do love sweet movies so I'm sure I will like it. Thanks!
I've been wanting to see this, too! I'm a fan of Nathan Fillion from back in his "Firefly" tv series days. Thanks for the recommendation...sounds like just the kind of movie I need to perk me up whenever I need perkin'! :)
Just stopping by to say "hi" and thanks for all of your encouraging comments! You are always so sweet and seem to know exactly what I'm feeling.
Hope all is well, my friend!
Much love,
I loved this movie as well. We love 'em quirky and indie.
I wanted to come home and bake pies SO badly after it though!
Thanks for letting me know about this movie! I'll have to rent it asap. I LOVE southern movies... I don't know how I missed this one.
Just stopped by to say hi. Thanks for your last comment. It kind of prodded me to get caught up in blogland. (Blog and I had to break up for a little bit) ...
Have a wonderful day!
I loved that movie, too. Andy Griffith was so great. Those quirky, indy-type films are my favorite. Another good one (if you don't mind some sadness in a film) is 'Tully'.
I have not seen you in a bit sweet Teresa so wanted to hop in and wish you a blessed Easter weekend.
You are such a special lady and I am so lucky to know you!!
Many smiles and much happiness!
Miss your posts and hope your okay and just really busy right now but I just wanted to stop by and wish you a Happy Easter.
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