I really am planning a give-a-way...I'm working on that little goodie as I type today...but life has a way of interfering with our "to do" lists sometimes...and well...I just had to revert back to my days of living life day to day...trying to just remember to breathe and when all else fails... PUNT...Yep...I'm going to "punt" today...hopefully by the next post I will have my give-a-way complete...and we can get that party started!!!! So fasten your seat belts folks...this could be FUN after all! Notice...I already have the table all set for the celebration!!! So warn all your friends, neighbors and fellow bloggers...there is about to be a GIVE-A-WAY.

My road blocks thus far have consisted of...being sick...yea...hubbin gave me his head/flu/cough/cold thingy (he has always been such a giver) and I've been in a drug induced fog ever since...those meds WOW!! guess I'm just a wimp... they really are doing a number on me! Kind of feel like I'm a road bump myself...however, I'm on the mend...so upwards and onwards...RIGHT? I've also been going to meetings and setting more up to interview builders and architects...GEEZ...this should be so easy...one would think...but I guess we want everything to be just so...so we are trying to do most of our homework up front (did I mention I didn't do homework in school...why oh why must I start NOW??)...and trying to pick people that we can stand to be with for over a year...it will be kind of like dating all over again...hmmmm...that's an interesting way of looking at this...maybe I've been approaching this all wrong...yep...I'm going to have to re-think my strategy!!!
For those of you emailing and posting about my daughter and her surgery...first..."thank you all so much" for your thoughts, prayers and good wishes. Secondly, she is on the mend...I think the first couple of days were the worst...now she feels better pain wise...but rather uncomfortable with all that STUFF stuck up her tiny nose...who wouldn't??? She told me her hubbin' was the perfect nurse to her while she was sick...so that meant I did NOT need to rescue her...drat!! No...really I am so thankful to her sweet hubby...being a caretaker is sometimes the hardest job...so THANKS to my sweet son-in-law!!
I promise not to wait so long to post again...and one more thing...to my friend and fellow TEXAN (who is actually from Oklahoma...but we are happy to have her living in Texas)...WELCOME BACK....KARI...we all missed you!!

Congrats on your 100th post! Hope everyone is feeling lots better now.
100 posts! You go girl! Let's party. Congrats!
So glad to hear your daughter is on the mend.
Sorry to hear you're under the weather though. So many people are sick. Sure hoping it passes us by since we have the trip planned (leaving on Sunday).
BTW...love your new "look"...very fresh and pretty.
Teresa - Thanks for your visit to hill country house! How is the house planning going? Your blog format/color is so pretty! It sounds like you have your hands full these days - best wishes to you and your precious daughter - hope everyone is well. Ann
congratulations on your 100th post and make sure you drink lots of honey & lemon to get rid of your cold too. keep well x Dominique
Well you dang near brought me to tears with that Welcome Back. That's so sweet - I'm touched.
I'm also glad you and your daughter are on the mend. It's no wonder you've been sick around here...the weather can't decide day by day whether or not it's winter or spring, can it? My husband was feeling kind of sickly last week when I was up in Oklahoma. But he's better now. In fact, he's in California now so here's hoping he stays feeling better! Nothing worse than being sick when you're away from home, you know.
BTW, love the table setting you pictured. Is that something you did for a wedding? It's beautiful.
Looking forward to your giveaway! Congrats on your 100th post!!
I am glad both you and your daughter are feeling better...being sick or having nose surgery is definately no fun!
Congratulations on your 100th post Teresa, and I'm so glad your baby's nose is doing well...tell her what Mama always told me...in one hundred years you won't remember a thing about it! Now, here's a hug, and if I have to catch a cold, just as soon catch it from you!
I love that table setting. It is so full of spring.
Hi Teresa,
Glad to see you back. Was getting a little worried about ya. Glad to hear your sweet girl is doing better and hope that nasty cold thingy is gone soon. Congrats on your 100! And I love your banner.
I forgot to tell you I just adore the new banner...those are the most glorious flowers!
Hi Teresa, What a nice surprise to hear from you today! Sorry you've felt under the weather, but this time of year just brings it out in all of us, doesn't it?
100...YEAH! When I started, I thought I would never be able to do that many, what would I have to talk about? HA! I end up having more to blog about than time to blog!
Are you planning to build a house? I kinda of gathered that from your post. We started building about 2 weeks ago, and I am soooooo excited! Fortunately, the architect we picked caught the vision I had for the house, drew it up, selected a builder, and is himself in charge of the whole project...he is the one to deal with the builder and not us.
Your header picture is beautiful! Such gorgeous flowers! It feels very bright and springy.
Thanks for adding me to your favs...and I shall do the same.
100 posts from our sweet Teresa!!
Yippee!! Let's get this party stared!
I am glad your pretty girl is feeling better but so sorry YOU have been ill. It has been a rough few months for these terrible bugs. Get well soon sweetie.
I love your fresh and lovely new banner!!
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