Friday, February 15, 2008

Once Upon a Valentine evening...

Blog is being mean to me tonight...I've been trying off and on all day to send a Valentines wish out to all my peeps in blog land...but this is the first time HE would let me sign on...and NOW he isn't letting me post any I'm DONE with HIM...I am so OVER him right NOW!!...well, at least for today...I'll try back tomorrow...I have an interesting evening to share with each of you...and's not what you might is the opposite of sweet smelling roses and heaven scented chocolates...STAY TUNED...sometimes I feel as though someone is filming me...and laughing in a distance...not funny...I tell you...not funny!

To be continued....


Sandi McBride said...

I know what you mean!!! Now, T, you're gonna hate me for this, but I've tagged you...Carol (Katherines Dream or Carol's Kitchen) started this, so misery loves company...but we'll have fun!

Susie Q said...

I hope your Valentine's Day was a sweet one...somehow! Hmmm....but by the tone of the post, well, I am wonderin'...: )

Just wanted to say howdidoo and wish a special lady a very special day.


Unknown said...

Okay now you have me wondering........Hope you had a god Valentines Day and have a great weekend.

Justabeachkat said...

Can't wait to hear/read about this.

You're sooooo right....Mr. Blogger is a baaaaaad boy sometimes.
