Saturday, November 17, 2007

A Prayer of Thanks...

As we all are approaching Thanksgiving Day...and running about finishing up shopping, cleaning and decorating...I wanted to take time to share this poem by

Helen Steiner Rice...entitled
" A Prayer of Thanks".

Thank You, God, for everything
I've experienced here on earth
Thank You for protecting me
from the moment of my birth-
And thank You for the beauty
around me everywhere,
The gentle rain and glistening dew,
the sunshine and the air,
The joyous gift of "feeling"
the soul's soft, whispering voice
That speaks to me from deep within
and makes my heart rejoice-
Oh, God , no words are great enough
to thank You for just living,
And that is why every day
is a day for real thanksgiving...

Beautiful Heather over at PresentPastCollections asked on her blog what we are thankful for...I just wanted to share this with all of you...because for me it sums up my feelings of Thanksgiving! But I also wanted to give just a small glimpse into what makes me Thankful...everyday! I am thankful for many things...which I realize we all are about the same and give thanks for many of the same things...I for one am Thankful for living in a free country that allows me the "freedom" to LOVE Our Lord and Savior with all my heart without having to worry about looking over my shoulder. I also am thankful for the men and women and families that give of their lives and energies every we can all be FREE to do what we do. I am thankful for a wonderful loving husband who loves me and lets me be "me" (which I'm sure can be nail-biting at times). Along with 2 wonderful children who have shown me how to love unconditionally and for the 2 wonderful people they chose to spend the rest of their lives with. I am also grateful for 2 very loving parents who showed me what love is...I miss them everyday. I am thankful for my sister...who probably knows me just a little too well...and for my 4 awesome nephews...and watching them each find themselves. I am truly thankful for glorious friends who love spite of myself...and for new friends I've never physically met...but are a constant source of inspiration and fun everyday...of course that would leave me "thankful" for blog which I am.

Here is wishing each and everyone of you a blessed and meaningful Thanksgiving...I pray each of you has time to reflect on what makes you Thankful...I know I was happy to take Heather's challenge...she made me really think...and for that I am also very Thankful!

Blessings to each of you and many, many Thanks for being my new found are all very special to me in so many ways.

Happy, Happy Thanksgiving from our home to yours....



Terri Steffes said...

Happy thanksgiving to you, dear friend and may all your blessings be apparent and bountiful!

Justabeachkat said...

What a sweet post!

I'm thankful for your friendship, sweet friend.


Unknown said...

Nice poat and Happy Thanksgiving to you. It's been great getting to know you. And where is that last picture from on this post? It's so pretty. Have a great week Teresa.

Unknown said...

I meant nice post. I need spell check for the comments. LOL

Sandi McBride said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you "T", hope you have a great one. I have a little gift that I'm sharing with all my friends in here...hope you'll enjoy it

Lavender Chick said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you! This was a very nice post ...

Susie Q said...

Happy, happy Thanksgiving to you beautiful Teresa. This was the loveliest post and how grateful we all are for YOU.
