Sorry folks...I don't usually like to post any of my negative or crazy thoughts...but guys...it's just been one of those days...I wondered at various times throughout my day..."why did I bother leaving my house?"....I think I had a pre-warning of what the day may be like while getting into my Expedition (yes I am a Texan...sadly I love my gas guzzler...not really...I would love a mini-coup...but I'm afraid not to have more metal/plastic around my innards)...when leaving my home...dressed for a very hot sticky Texas day that surely would hover around the century mark...wearing the customary "cute" flip flops...oh and I was wearing clothes, too...minor detail...anyhoo...while hoisting myself up into the giant..I FELL...yes guys/gals...I fell flat smack dab on my "BUM" (at this point I am of course blaming it on the flip-flops and not my lack of agility)...luckily my sweet hubbin had the for-thought to have running boards installed (hence the hoisting part) or I would have hit the cement floor HARD...luckily I kind of slithered along the side of the vehicle only to land very hard on the running board...then landing on the cement floor...so hard in fact...rattled my head...bit down or clinched down too hard...and chipped a back tooth...every so slightly...I'll be calling Kari's dentist...Dr. Death...soon I'm sure...ok..sorry...this could go on for days at this pace...even though I was a bit rattled...being the trooper that I am...I ventured out of the garage and onto the day of errands...my first stop was to be at my bank...they had some paper work I needed to fax...(this was all for a good deed on my part...I think) when arriving to the bank I asked if they had a fax machine I could use to fax the 2 lowly pieces of paper (one of which was a letter they had just typed for me)...I was so "snidely" informed..."we don't have PUBLIC faxes!) ok don't even get me started on public bathrooms! I was a bit aghast...for I have been banking with this same back for nearly 30 years...I wonder what ever happened to customer service...not to mention I have all $12.98 of my life savings in their establishment...geez REALLY!!...maybe they found out I didn't have all my funds tied up with them and were a bit miffed....so I politely left...because you see...this was just the beginning and I had not built up enough steam to "let off"!! Onward to Kinko's...to fax...NO PARKING anywhere...a quandary for me...b/c their really wasn't a place to turn around that's how small the parking lot is...and ask anyone...I AM NOT A GOOD BACKER!! So I waited for a while hoping someone would come out...not happening..so I found a spot to squeeze into...by the dumpster in which I'm sure wasn't really for parking...something about yellow stripes and all...(mind you there REALLY was a parking spot...but someone decided they needed two places instead of one)...so that's that! I park...I enter...line 4 deep...no problem...the person waiting on my fax shouldn't have to wait long...RIGHT...Wrong...2 ladies at the only 2 fax machines...kept dialing...kept dialing...and then decided they needed to call whoever they were faxing...to check things out...long story...even longer...20+ minutes later I was able to fax my letter! Now I don't mind waiting...but not for someone to visit with Cousin Betty on the phone all the while smacking gum...rolling her eyes...and you get the ugly sorted picture! I leave Kinko's to head on over to the post office...where I've been trying to mail a package for a week now...All is fine...until I decided to leave...this particular post office has an ENTRY and an EXIT...clearly marked..and one WAY...yep...you got it...a gal..decided she didn't want to follow directions and decided to come in the EXIT...thus backing up traffic in a highly congested area of town...I waited...waited...waited...till finally she was able to maneuver herself around...and get out! I would have just written this off as a "mistake" except that when she and her friend pulled in (very close to where I was parked) I could see the 2 of them...laughing...and I don't think it was b/c it was about to break 100!! Ok...sorry...you may be almost blind now...but it does get better...I think...or worse...so after the Post Office Parody...I headed over to Target to pick up a couple of things and return a couple of items...I won't even bore you with what happened to the poor lady in front of me...all b/c she was not a citizen and didn't have a drivers license...mind you she had a receipt...the item...and she paid CASH! So as I'm leaving Target (by the way they need to hire more clerks during Back to School month) some of us have more than 10 items...so those 20 lanes opened for 10 items or less didn't help those of us who had 22 items...and only 3 clerks! As I leave to put things away in my car...I load the back end up...put my cart away...and proceed to the drivers side door of my truck...to what do my wandering eyes see... a "surprise" right by my door...yes a POOPY diaper..yea,I know poopy diapers when I see/smell them...You can tell...believe me...AT this point I was beginning to ask myself..."what is WRONG with people...seriously?" All the while looking over my shoulder and all about to see maybe...just maybe I was on Candid Camera...or PUNK'D...seriously!!
As I am heading home...I need gas...no encounters of any crazy kind there...just a lot of humid Texas heat...that's alright...I'm heading home...BUT NO WAIT...I have to pick up my husbands prescription at Albertsons drug store....LUCKY for me...they have a drive through...I love this feature...I wish they could grab a gallon of milk for me...or a pack of gum sometimes...but they only do drugs! So I asked for hubby's script...(he's a diabetic) which was syringes...and while they were at it...could I have some Mucinex D ( I've been fighting a sinus infection all week...more like heat infection) so I thought I would keep taking that to help fight the sinus per doctors advice...so she asks "what is your telephone number?" I oblige...she gives me the syringes...mind you I have shown her nothing in form of ID...she then informs me she CAN NOT give me the Mucinex D through the GLASS drive-thru window...I asked..."can't I give you my DL and then get it?"..."No"..insists the clerk...we can't give you that through the drive through...you will have to come in and sign for it...OK...that's why I went through the drivethru...if I had wanted to come in and show everyone my perspiration soaked pants and top...I would have done that in the beginning....OK...here's the BEEF...I couldn't buy an over the counter sinus medication (something to do w/meth labs and all) BUT I can buy syringes w/o identification AND in the lovely state of TEXAS you don't have to have a prescription for syringes ( I guess something to do w/ the NO SHARED NEEDLES concern)...I don't get it...I know we have to have rules and all that...but something is wrong when I can purchase SYRINGES and hard core pain meds ( I did this a few months ago...b/c of a "root canal") actually my friend picked up the HARD CORE pain meds w/o my drivers license...her drivers licence or any form of ID...OK...AM I CRAZY...AM I WRONG to think that this is a bit over-kill...really drugs and syringes...but no sinus meds...I really can't comprehend...I left there shaking my head...all the while mumbling..."WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO AMERICA!!
Whew...I know that's a lot of venting...and I know all these things are minor...really I do...and I know I am very fortunate to live the life I do...but as I said...earlier...I should have known based on the way my day started...it was going to be a "crazy" day...Is it a full moon, tonight???
My day has ended very well though indeed...my hubbin is safely home...he called me on his way home from work...cos he's sweet like that..and told me he was at Albertson's ...was there anything I needed??...I asked..."are you at the drive thru?"...he was confused ...b/c it' s Friday and he was standing in the wine section LOL...I asked him...Do they have any Mucinex D...and do you have your drivers license...?????
I most likely won't post anymore RANTS...unless I feel someone other than myself has been unfairly or unjustly treated...but for today...just today...I had to let off some steam...hope I haven't lost anyone due to the lengthy nature of this blog...THANKS for letting me vent...whew...I feel better...except my bum and back are sort of sore...think I may have to go to Albertson's drive-thru and Pick up something for that!!
Oh my goodness! You did have one of those days....
Hopefully your hubbin brought home some great wine! You know, you can buy wine from a drive-through at our local liquor store - again, amazing. I agree with you, you can get syringes, big time pain killers, and liquor from a drive-through, but not mucinex! Crazy!!
(I just typed a long comment and lost it somehow, so hope you don't get two...if so, just delete the one you like the best- LOL)
Whew...that was a long post. I almost forgot what I was going to comment on. Hehehe! Just kidding!
I actually read it all. I've definitely had similar days. Sometimes I feel like I'm walking around under a HUGE dark cloud. What's that song? Oh, I know... "Mama said they'd be days like this, they'd be days like this my Mama said". (Yuk...now I'ved got that song stuck in my head.) Anyway, vent on sista. We're here to listen.
Just remember - a glass (or 2) of wine and/or chocolate always helps.
Extra hugs!
OH dear heart...I have had many of those days and aren't they just awful? It truly does feel as if that proverbial black cloud is falling us everywhere. But, as Kat said, chocolate, a little wine and a sweet husband go a long way to help wash a bad day away.
I am betting that the next day was a sweet one!
Well now you've made me feel bad for being so ticked off about the weirdo bill collector and the phone company on my blog! I would probably be in jail today if I'd had a day like you had...I've got that strange inability to control my temper these days - I'm afraid I might have been arrested for public cursing at the top of my lungs or something. lol And listen, about my dentist, Dr. Death. Oh sure, he seems like a great guy and all and his office is TO DIE FOR with all his fancy decor, but I can't in all good conscience recommend him to you. I mean, I KNOW he has GOT to make his BMW payments and all, but I don't want to "lure" my blog friends into making them for him. It just wouldn't feel right...
Hope today was better for you!
Remember: deep breaths, deep breaths...
I'm glad I haven't applied my eye makeup yet...I wouldn't have any left! I'm dying with laughter here! My eyes are filled w/ tears..your funny, so funny!
You poor dear! I think you have had a horrible day but I have to say, you made my day by your story! Hope the next day was better!
Justing hoping today is better for you and you're not bruised from your fall.
BTW...did you get my e-mail and photos?
you just rant on girlfriend. I get crabby when I have to run more than 3 errands. I think you did good. I'm one up on you though......being a pacific NW girl, mines a highlander hybrid. :)
Good grief, Teresa...stay home! :)
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